过剩经济与我国工业制成品 出口产业结构动态优化
引用本文:赖明勇,杜希尧.过剩经济与我国工业制成品 出口产业结构动态优化[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2000,(4):
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全文下载次数: 264
赖明勇  杜希尧
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目! ( 7970 0 0 9)
中文摘要:我国经济已告别短缺迈入过剩经济时代 ,加入 WTO也指日可待。在这种经济背景下 ,如何选择我国的出口主导产业以顺应我国经济的发展 ?文章通过对出口产业结构的国际比较 ,以期为我国出口产业结构的动态优化提供一些建议
Excess Economy and Dynamic Optimization of Export Industry Structure of China Industry Manufactured Products
Abstract:China's economy has bid farewell to shortage, and is entering into an era of excess economy.We'll join WTO soon. How to choose China's prinicpal export industry against this economic background?This paper suggests a dynamic optimized export industry struc
keywords:excess economy,export industry structure,dynamic optimization
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