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温州师范学院政史系 浙江温州325003
中文摘要:清末新政经济政策对近代中国工 商业发展起了四方面影响:促成 20世纪初本国资本投资的高涨;私人资本主义取代了国家资本主义在主要产业中所占的主导地位;新式企业的地域分布由沿海沿江向内地和边陲延伸和扩展;对中国传统手工业造成了较大的形响。
The Influence of New Polices of Economic Reform at the End of Qing Dynasty on Chinese Industries and Commerce
HE Xu-yan
Abstract:The new economic reform policies at the end of Qing Dynasty influenced Chinese industries and commerce: industrial investment in China reached its climax at the beginning of 20th century. The leading role of state capitalism in the main industries was rep
keywords:economic reform industry and commerce,polices,Qing Dynasty
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