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许康  丁平一
湖南大学人文社会科学系 湖南长沙410082 (许康)
,湖南大学人文社会科学系 湖南长沙410082(丁平一)
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 (编号 79970 0 80 ),湖南省社会科学基金 (编号湘宣字 2 0 0 0· 2 3· A0 51)资助课题
中文摘要:根据新发现的史料 ,结合以往的研究文献 ,集中论述曾两任湖南大学校长的曹典球 ( 1877~ 196 0 ) ,对于湖南近代“商战”、“学战”具有系统的思考和实践 ,是一位杰出的先行者
Cao Dianqiu''''s Modern Thoughts and Practice on Business Competition and Academic Argument
XU Kang  DING Ping yi
Abstract:According to the newly found historical material and the former research documents, this paper concentrates on Cao Dianqiu's(1877 1960, president of Hunan University for two terms) systematic thought and practice on modern "business competition" and "aca
keywords:Cao Dianqiu,modern times business competition,academic argument
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