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湖南大学岳麓书院 湖南长沙410082
中文摘要:清朝第一部刑律《大清律》及其附例 ,直承《唐律》《宋刑统》与《明律》,应为同一体系。《大清律》以及为适应清朝政治需要而增附的条例 ,都可以证明 :清朝刑法源于礼制并维护礼制。礼制仍然是决讼办案的依据
Law of Qing" and Social Institutions of Qing''''s Etiquette
CHEN Shu guo
Abstract:Law of Qing",the first criminal law in Qing Dynasty, inherited "Law of Tang"?"Criminal Rules of Song" and "Law of Ming"."Law of Qing" and its appending, aiming to satisfy the political demand of Qing Dynasty, provide the evidence for the fact that the cri
keywords:Law of Qing and the appending",social institutions of Qing's etiquette,etiquette and Law
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