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湖南师范大学文学院 湖南长沙410081
中文摘要:齐己是唐末五代一位著名的湖湘诗僧 ,历来有关齐己的研究往往忽视了他作为一名沩仰宗禅僧的特定身份。本文即是对齐己与沩仰宗关系的专门研究 ,文章试图系统全面地揭示齐己与沩仰宗的深刻渊源 ,以及沩仰宗禅法对其思想、创作与诗歌理论的全方位影响
A Study on the Connections between Wei Yang Sect and Qi Ji, a Buddhist Monk Poet from Huxiang District
YIN Chu bin
Abstract:Qi Ji was a famous poem-writing Buddhist monk from Huxiang district in the period of the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties. The studies about Qi Ji so far often neglect the special identity that he was a Buddhist monk of Wei Yang sect. This article
keywords:Qi Ji,Wei Yang sect,source and influence,
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