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薄湘平  薛晶晶
湖南大学工商管理学院 湖南长沙410082 (薄湘平)
,湖南大学工商管理学院 湖南长沙410082(薛晶晶)
中文摘要:加入 WTO对中国旅游业的发展将产生深远的影响 ,其中旅游业的两大支柱——旅行社业和饭店业所受到的冲击是不均衡的。另旅游业应趋利避害 ,以积极的态度和脚踏实地的作风迎接挑战。
The Impacts and Strategies to Chinese Tourism Industry After China''''s Accession to WTO
BO Xiang ping  XUE Jing jing
Abstract:The Chinese tourism industry will be influenced profoundly by China's accession to the WTO.The influences and impacts to the travel agency industry and the hotel industry are unbalanced. The Chinese tourism industry should face the challenge bravely with
keywords:WTO,Chinese tourism industry,impacts,strategies
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