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湖南大学学报编辑部 湖南长沙,410082
基金项目:湖南省社会科学规划立项课题 ( [2 0 0 0 ] 2 3号 B70 )
中文摘要:师德有狭义和广义之分。狭义的师德 ,从传授专业知识和技能的劳动与工厂产品生产劳动两种劳动的相似性出发 ,可理解为教师从事传授知识劳动的职业道德。广义的师德基于上述两种劳动的异质性 ,有着两个层面的内涵 :1教师应身体力行培养学生积累公民的基本道德 ,即传统的育人 ;2注重“因人施教”,找寻开启学生创新潜力和能力的金钥匙 ,并自己在科研方面有较大的创新。通过以上分析 ,揭示了高校教师师德内涵的极富弹性的特征 ,从理论上可以解释社会转型时期出现的种种师德问题
Sporadic Thoughts about Teacher''''s Morality in Universities and Colleges During Current Social Transition
ZHANG Gao ming
Abstract:Teachers' morality in universities and colleges can be roughly classified into two categories: the narrow morality and the general one. The former can be regarded as the professional morality of conveying knowledge, which is to some extent similar to the
keywords:narrow/general teachers' morality,conveying knowledge,tapping students' original potential,
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