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雷小峰  傅晓华
中共湖南省委党校科社教研部 湖南长沙410006 (雷小峰)
,中共湖南省委党校科社教研部 湖南长沙410006(傅晓华)
中文摘要:民营科技企业内外部存在的问题制约了它的进一步发展 ,但我国经济发展进入以结构优化升级和提高国际竞争力为核心的产业调整新阶段 ,这又为民营科技企业创业和守业提供了机遇。最后讨论了促进民营科技企业守业和发展的对策措施 :营造平等的竞争发展环境、完善金融财政的扶持措施、重新设计产权制度、选择正确的技术创新政策、加强对人才的合理使用和培育等
Analysis on Civil Operated Hi-tech Enterprises in China from the Viewpoints of Entrepreneur Environment and Business Operation.
LEI Xiao feng  FU Xiao hua
Abstract:Starting from the point of starting and operating a business, this paper analyzed the development situation of civil operated hi tech enterprises. The existing characters of civil operated hi tech enterprises confined their further development. Opportun
keywords:civil operated hi tech enterprises,development situation,countermeasures
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