唐代后期宦官与皇位继承权之争 |
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引用本文:张文斌.唐代后期宦官与皇位继承权之争[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2002,(6): |
摘要点击次数: 1995 |
全文下载次数: 286 |
张文斌 |
中华书局 北京,100073 |
中文摘要:唐代后期宦官对皇位继承权的争夺非常激烈。考察玄宗到唐末哀帝的皇位继承形式 ,可以总结出唐末皇位继承之争的特点 :垄断性 ,分阶段性 ,斗争的复杂性。垄断性是由于宦官任枢密、典禁军、掌监军所致 ;分阶段性是由于宦官典掌禁军、出任监军、养子制度在德宗时的制度化使得宦官对唐末皇位继承权的控制在德宗前后有所不同 ;斗争的复杂性是由于宦官在宫中的特殊地位所致 |
中文关键词:宦官,皇位继承权,争夺 |
Eunuchs in the Late Tang Dynasty and the Struggles for Inheritance to the Imperial Authority |
ZHANG Wen bin |
Abstract:Eunuchs involved in the violent scramble of inheritance to the imperial authority in the late period of Tang Dynasty.On investigating the form of inheritance during the period of Emperor Xuan Zong to the last Emperor Ai Di, the characteristics of the in |
keywords:eunuch,inheritance to the imperial authority,scramble |
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