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刘平  高峰
湖南大学期刊社 湖南长沙410082 (刘平)
,湖南大学期刊社 湖南长沙410082(高峰)
中文摘要:李贽的《孙子参同》既是一部关于历代军事思想的总结的书籍 ,又是李贽个人军事理念的创造和发挥。该书丰富了明代军事思想 ,同时在军事史上留下了一笔宝贵财富
A Brief Discussion on "Sunzhi Cantong "of LiZhi
LIU-Ping  GAO Feng
Abstract:This thesis mainly focuses on "Sunzhi Cantong" of LiZhi. The book is a summary of military affairs of past dynasties and a creation and exertion of military idea of LiZhi. It enriches military ideas of Ming Dynasty and leaves an invaluable treasure in his
keywords:LiZhi,"Sunzhi Cantong",historical value
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