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中南大学中文系 湖南长沙410083
中文摘要:全面描述了《朱子语类》副词“大段”的语义与用法 ,探讨了“大段”产生与消亡的过程 ,说明“大段”的使用是宋代特别是《朱子语类》特有的一种语法现象
The Use and the Development of Adverb "DaDuan" in Zhu Zi Yu Lei
TANG Xian qing
Abstract:The article makes a detailed description of the meanings and the uses of the adverb DaDuan in Zhu Zi Yu Lei,and probes into the origin and the die-out of DaDuan.DaDuan is a special grammar phenomenon in the period of Song Dynasty and Zhu Zi Yu Lei.
keywords:Zhu Zi Yu Lei,adverb,DaDuan,
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