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李世聪  马越平
长沙交通学院管理系 湖南长沙410076 (李世聪)
,长沙交通学院管理系 湖南长沙410076(马越平)
中文摘要:会计在很大程度上是社会经济环境的产物 ,知识经济背景下成本会计应适应新的社会经济环境 ,从而在成本会计内容、功能、管理对象、方法上创新
The Innovation of Cost Accountingunder the Knowledge Economy Environment
LI Shi chong  MA Yue ping
Abstract:This article discusses how to innovate cost accounting to adapt itself to the new social and economy environment. It presents the innovative issues about the content, the function, the managing object and the method of cost accounting.
keywords:Innovation,Cost accounting,Knowledge economy
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