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单飞跃  罗小勇
湖南大学法学院 湖南长沙410079 (单飞跃)
,湖南大学法学院 湖南长沙410079(罗小勇)
中文摘要:提升体现经济法本质的独特的经济法理念与建立相应的经济法程序规则是经济法研究的当务之急。经济法的程序理念 ,指导经济法程序规则的创建 ;同时 ,受制于经济法的实践理念 ,贯穿并表现出与传统程序法不同的价值趋向 ,作为其内容的实质平等、保护公益和多元善治理念 ,都应当通过传统程序规则的修正和补充 ,来构建和完善其程序制度支撑
On the Procedural Sense of Economic Law
SHUN Fei yue  LOU Xiao yong
Abstract:The elevation of the peculiar sense of the Economic Law embodying its nature and the construction of its relevant procedural rules is the current emergency of the Economic Law study. Its procedural sense conducts the establishment of its procedural rules,
keywords:economic law,procedural sense,substantial equality protection of the public interest plural and wise administration,
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