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湖南大学岳麓学院 湖南长沙410082
基金项目:国家社会科学基金课题《宋代四书学与理学》(课题号 0 2BZX 0 32 )
中文摘要:在对《四书》进行注解、训释与阐发的过程中 ,朱熹注意义理阐发而不废章句训诂 ,兼取汉唐以来诸家之长而对二程一派之说尤为重视 ,力求经文本义 ,避免穿凿杜撰 ,力辟佛说而注意吸收、利用其理论思维成果 ,表现出鲜明的治学特点。
The Characteristics of Zhu Xi''''s Studies on the Four Books
XIAO Yong-ming
Abstract:In the course of annotating, explaining and eluc id ating the text of the Four Books, Zhu Xi emphasized the elucidation of the argum entations but did not abandon the exegeses. He adopted the reasonable conclusion s of the various schools from the Han to
keywords:Zhu Xi,the Four Books,studies on the Four Books,Confucianism,classics
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