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雷恩海  李天保
西北师范大学文学院 甘肃兰州730070 (雷恩海)
,西北师范大学文学院 甘肃兰州730070(李天保)
中文摘要:杜甫早期诗歌创作丰富 ,虽传世甚少 ,却足以见出其真诚的情性怀抱与杰特诗艺 ,是天才诗人步入文场的阶梯 ,对于了解少陵一生的成就颇有裨益 ,亦有助于理解文学创作的纷繁复杂的情况。
Be Able to Stand at the Apex:On the Forepart Poesy of Du Fu
LEI En-hai  LI Tian-bao
Abstract:The early stage poesy of Du Fu is abundant. We can catch his pure-hearted feeling, ambition and outstanding poetic art from the early stage poesy. It is the ladder to the literature field for the genius poet. It is quite beneficial to understand Du Fu's l
keywords:Du Fu, the early stage poesy, pure-hearted feeling and ambition, poetic art,
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