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王健  朱宏文
浙江理工大学法律系 浙江杭州310018 (王健)
,浙江理工大学法律系 浙江杭州310018(朱宏文)
中文摘要:因特网虽然是一个虚拟的世界 ,但同样存在垄断问题。现存反垄断法应审慎干预 :在界定相关市场时要充分考虑这个产业的自身特点 ;在规制具体的垄断行为时 ,要有针对性 ,并着重解决本地接入、接入软件和域名等领域已存的具有严重危害性的垄断行为 ;电子商务世界的垄断问题更应引起我们的关注 ,努力为其创造一个良好的发展环境
Regulation of the Internet by the Anti-monopoly Law
WAN Jian  ZHU Hong-wen
Abstract:Although Internet is a virtual world, there exist many monopoly problems. Anti-monopoly law should be cautious to interfere. It should take account of the characteristics of the industry while identifying relevant market. When regulating various monopoly
keywords:internet,relevant market,local access,access software,domain names,e-commerce,anti-monopoly law,
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