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屈茂辉  阳金花
湖南大学法学院 湖南长沙410082 (屈茂辉)
,湖南大学法学院 湖南长沙410082(阳金花)
中文摘要:先占制度源远流长。作为动产所有权原始取得的方式之一 ,先占制度已为大多数国家的民法典所确认。构成先占 ,须具备五个要件。我国现行立法对先占未作规定 ,未来的物权法应明确规定先占制度
Disquisition on Property Law of Ascertaining System of Occupation
QU Mao-hui  YANG Jin-hua
Abstract:System of occupation has a long history. System of occupation has been ascertained by civil codes of most countries, as one way to aboriginally get ownership of movables. There must be five factors to compose occupation. Nowaday the lawmaking has not made
keywords:occupation,ownerless articles,ownership of movables,
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