明代人才选拔、培养模式与书院发展关系探析 |
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引用本文:李兵.明代人才选拔、培养模式与书院发展关系探析[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2006,(6): |
摘要点击次数: 1627 |
全文下载次数: 203 |
李兵 |
湖南大学岳麓书院 湖南长沙410082 |
中文摘要:明初统治者在健全科举考试制度的同时,将官学纳入科举体系之中,形成了科举-官学的人才选拔与培养的运作模式。在官学能够满足科举应试需要的时期,书院被排斥在科举-官学模式之外。然而,当官学的教学功能日渐式微,在官方的认可和扶植下,书院再次承担起了教授科举人才的重任,科举-官学模式转变为科举-书院模式,书院因此而兴起,其数量与规模都远逾前代。 |
中文关键词:明代科举,官学,书院,关系研究 |
Research on the Relationship between the Mode of Selecting and Cultivating Talents and the Development of Ancient Academies in Ming Dynasty |
LI Bing |
Abstract:In the early Ming Dynasty, whilst the lord improved the Imperial Examination system, government education institutes were included in it. Therefore, the mode of selecting and cultivating talents came into being. While can meet the students' demand of taki |
keywords:Imperial Examination system in Ming Dynasty,government education institutes,ancient academies,relationship, |
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