引用本文:鹤成 久章,陈翀.王守仁之白鹿洞书院石刻发微[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2007,(6):
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鹤成 久章  陈翀
福冈教育大学 日本宗像811-4192
A Study on the Relationship between Wang Shou-ren and the Stone Inscription in White Deer Grotto Academy
HECHEN Jiuzhang
Abstract:The content of the stone inscription was the preface to the ancient work "Daxue" which was written by Wan Shou-ren in White Deer Grotto Academy.The stone inscription is the work which was written in Zhende reign 16th(1521) when Wan was instructing in Whit
keywords:Wan Shou-ren,the stone inscription,White Deer Grotto Academy,"Preface to 'GU BEN DA XUE'","ZHI LIANG ZHI" thought,
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