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刘建民  方爱平  邓深圳
基金项目:教育部人文社会科学研究项目 , 湖南大学国家SIT项目 ?
中文关键词:国家助学贷款  被动违约  主动违约  操作型违约  恶意违约
The Reasons of Default and Measures of National Student Loan: Base on the Survey and Analysis for Hunan''''s Five Institutions
LIU Jian-min  FANG Ai-ping  DENG Shen-zhen
Abstract:This paper is based on the survey of national student loan to five institutions of different level in Hunan province. The authors analyzed the reasons of default on the national student loan regarding passive default and active default, and suggested coun
keywords:national student loan,passive default,active defAult,operational breach of contract,malicious default
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