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中文关键词:文化软实力  康熙  程朱理学  清初  
On Emperor Kang Xi Govern the Country and the Early Qing Cultural Soft Power
WANG Sheng-jun
Yuelu Academy;Hunan university;Changsha 410082;China
Abstract:In the early Qing Dynasty as a special period of ethnic conflict and social disorder,Kang Xi draw resources from the Confucian cultural tradition to carry out the cultural soft power construction of Neo-Confucianism as the center,supported by the culture of Buddhism and Taoism that is Confucian orthodoxy,Academic Orthodoxy,political domination,Legal Genealogy in conjunction as a whole.What's more,through books compilation,college construction,he promoted Manchu,Han and other ethnic for the country's identit...
keywords:Cultural Soft Power  Emperor Kang Xi  Neo-Confucianism  the early Qing Dynasty  
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