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郑开春  刘正光
中文摘要:介绍认知语言学流派中的新理论:体验构式语法。体验构式语法是夏威夷大学语言学系的Benjamin Bergen和伯克利国际计算机科学所的Nancy Chang等人最近几年提出的一个语言理解的形式模型。它以认知语言学的基本原理为理论基础,以计算机处理语言为目标,综合了不同语言学理论优势而提出,是认知语言学形式化与应用化的一个跨越式发展。
中文关键词:认知语言学  体验构式语法  形式模型  
Embodied Construction Grammar:A Formal Model of Cognitive Linguistics
ZHENG Kai-chun  LIU Zheng-guang
College of Foreign Language;Hunan University;Changsha 410082;China
Abstract:The paper gives an informative introduction to the Embodied Construction Grammar proposed by Benjamin Bergen and Nancy Chang,which integrates the basic principles of Cognitive Linguistics theories and builds up a formal model for computer processing of language.The model symbolizes a great leap of Cognitive Linguistics toward formalization and application in language study.
keywords:Cognitive linguistics  Embodied Construction Grammar  formal model  
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