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殷慧 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:道统  释奠  朱熹
On the Formulation of Confucian Pedigree and the Development of ‘Sacrifice the Supreme Sage and the Foremost Teacher’in Zhuxi
Abstract:The formulation of Zhu Xi’s confucian pedigree and the development of ‘Sacrifice the Supreme Sage and the Foremost Teacher’ witnessed the interaction between his academic thought , conceptual mind and the practice of concrete rituals. Zhu Xi’s sacrifice in Cang Zhou Academy implemented the unification of his thought and practice. There are many differences between the description of Confucian pedigree and the object of worship.
keywords:Confucian pedigree  sacrifice the supreme sage and the foremost teacher  Zhu Xi
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