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刘虹 (河北师范大学 教育学院,河北 石家庄050091) 
中文关键词:清代  顺天乡试;录取名额;顺天乡试案
The Characteristic of Provincial Examination in Qing Dynasty
Abstract:Provincial examination in Qing dynasty is provincially large electoral examination. It is the most competitive and most fore-reaching examination in the entire process of imperial examination. Shuntian was capital area and country political centre in Qing dynasty. Therefore imperial examination in Shuntian was greatly influenced by Qing politics. It is illustrated as follows: Gongyuan, where examinees gathered for their provincial examination is the same place for the metropolitan examination ; The number of examinees allowed for metropolitan examination were ranked first; The phenomenon of examinees with false registered residence is quiet evident; The cases concerning examinees with false registered residence frequently occurred and sentencing on such cases were heavily penalized; The reform of imperial examination was began with gongyuan in Shuntian
keywords:Qing dynasty  Provincial examination in Shuntian  the number of examinees allowed for provincial examination  the cases of provincial examination in Shuntian
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