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焦敏 (广东外语外贸大学 英文学院广东 广州510420) 
中文关键词:莎士比亚  《暴风雨》  加勒比海作家  挪用  后殖民主义
Postcolonial Interpretation and Appropriations of The Tempest
Abstract:While Shakespeare’s The Tempest has been interpreted as a colonial fable by New Historicists and Postcolonial critics since the 1970s, it should be acknowledged that writers from the former colonies in the Caribbean had already undertaken the task of re-interpretation and appropriation of the play in the 1950s and 1960s. Since these writers are descendants of the colonized peoples, their perspective can best be described as that of Caliban, who is interpreted as symbolic of the oppressed and abused slaves. A review of the interpretations and appropriations by prominent Caribbean writers, such as Lamming, Retamar, Aime Cesaire, can show us how The Tempest can be used in the culture of resistance against colonialism, and in the building of self-awareness of the colonized. A careful reading of Shakespeare indicates that the anti-colonialist interpretations are made possible by the astonishing adaptability of Shakespeare’s play and characters.
keywords:Shakespeare  The Tempest  Caribbean writers  appropriation  post-colonialism
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