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张剑 (华中师范大学 文学院湖北 武汉430079湖南科技学院 外语系湖南 永州425100) 
中文关键词:纯粹自我  浪漫主义  北村透谷  文学观
A Pursuit of Pure Egoism Romanticism——A Tentative Study on Kitamura Tōkoku’s Literary Concept
Abstract:After the 19th century, Japan was in traditional and the transformation tumult time. Facing the Western Europe romanticism's impact, Kitamura Toukoku has absorbed the main feeling and the individual free viewpoint. In a series of literature practice, Kitamura specializes in comments. Itamura 's working are the same with the Japanese romanticism in emotion. His literature practice has greatly enriched the Japanese romanticism.
keywords:pure egoism  romanticism  Kitamura Tōkoku  literary concept
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