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聂亚宁 湖南大学 外国语学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文摘要:从认知的角度来看,条件分句可以分为原型条件分句和隐喻式条件分句。在原型条件分句中,语法符号表达其原来的语法意义,二者是形式和意义的统一体; 在隐喻式条件分句中,语法符号脱离了其原来的语法意义,而语法隐喻使语法符号通过隐喻模式与其语法意义得到了统一。
中文关键词:原型条件分句  隐喻式条件分句  语法隐喻  语法意义
On Prototypical Conditional Clauses and Metaphorized Conditional Clauses
Abstract:This paper discusses conditional clauses from a cognitive perspective. Viewing from a cognitive perspective, we can divide conditional clauses into prototypical conditional clauses and metaphorized conditional clauses. In prototypical conditional clauses, the grammatical marker of a certain category carries its original grammatical meaning. Both forms and meanings are of a unitary relationship. In metaphorized conditional clauses , grammatical metaphorization helps to bring about the unity of otherwise divergent and conflicting forms and meanings.
keywords:prototypical conditional clauses  metaphorized conditional clauses  grammatical metaphorization  grammatical meaning
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