“There be”句型的认知语言学解读
引用本文:张曲.“There be”句型的认知语言学解读[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2010,(3):117-120
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张曲 (长沙理工大学 外国语学院,湖南 长沙410114) 
中文摘要:利用认知语言学的象似性原则、语法化、原型范畴理论等,在认知语言学范畴内,对“there be”句型的生成发展和意义拓展进行分析;而对“There be”句型进行认知解读,不仅可以拓宽其研究视野,亦可廓清其生成和演变的认知理据。
中文关键词:“there be”句型  象似性原则  语法化  原型范畴  认知
Cognitive Analysis on “There Be” Sentences
Abstract:This paper analyses the formation, development and meaning expansion of “there be” sentences from the perspective of iconicity, grammaticalization and prototype theory in the frame of cognitive linguistics. Study of “there be” construction from a cognitive view not only expands its research perspective but also makes clear the cognitive motivation of “there be” sentences.
keywords:“there be” sentences  iconicity principle  grammaticalization  prototype theory  cognition
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