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廖宏勇 (中山大学 传播与设计学院广东 广州510006) 
中文关键词:文化适应力  知识管理  跨文化传播
The Brand’s Cultural Adaptability
Abstract:Economy is getting more globalized today,which bring on a great revolution in competition. The strategic centre moving into the inner corporation is the obvious embodiment of this revolution. That is to say, the corporation’s inner resource and ability have become the crucial factors in the global competition. As an integrated knowledge product, the brand is a symbol of corporation’s power. In the unstable rival circumstance, improving the adaptability of brand has deep signification to local brand spreading across cultures. So in order to improve the adaptability of brand we should consider the standardization and differentiability. At the same time, optimizing the corporation’s inner resource and improving the ability of knowledge management in brand are shortcut to building a powerful brand image in the new economical condition.
keywords:cultural adaptability  knowledge management  spreading across cultures
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