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贾锐锐 (湖南大学 金融学院湖南 长沙410079 ) 
中文关键词:两型社会  环境污染责任保险  相互保险
Solving Mechanism and Implementing Advices to Insufficient Supply of Environmental Liability Insurance in the Construction of the Two-oriented Society
Abstract:Environmental pollution liability insurance is conducive to the construction of the Two-oriented Society, but insufficient supply existed in practice. Based on cause analysis and economics theory, this article educes a solving mechanism, that is, through practice mutual environmental pollution liability insurance, the supply will efficiently increase and the supply-demand equilibrium will realize with reasonable rate. Moreover, the characteristics of the Two-oriented Society make it possible. While implementing, the paper suggests improving environmental protection legislation, establishing regional mutual insurance companies, adopting prepayment type while charging premium and enlarging the underwriting scope, etc.
keywords:two-oriented society  environmental pollution liability insurance  mutual insurance
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