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邹大海 (中国科学院自然科学史研究所 北京100190) 
中文关键词:委输问题及其社会背景  《算术》  《九章算术》  《数》  《算数书》  律程
The Problems Concerning Weishu and Their Social Context in Early China——A research based on the unearthed bamboo slips
Abstract:The paper investigates the characteristics of the problems concerning weishu (a kind of transportation organized by the government) in the Han bamboo slip Suanshu(Mathematical Procedures) unearthed from Shuihudi, the Nine Chapters on Mathematical Procedures and the Mathematical Classic of Zhang Qiujian. Referring to Liu Hui’s Annotations on the Nine Chapters, the Shu (Mathematics) on Qin bamboo strips preserved in Yuelu Academy, the Suanshu Shu (Writings on Reckoning) on Han bamboo strips unearthed from Zhangjiashan, this paper provides several schemes for restoring the procedures how the ancients obtain those methods. Referring to the Laws on the bamboo strips of Qin unearthed from Shuihudi and the Ernian Luling (Laws of the Second Years) of Han Dynasty unearthed from Zhangjiashan, the paper discusses the social context of these problems, especially the cheng (laws on standards) in the laws.
keywords:weishu problems and their social context  Suanshu  Nine Chapters on Mathematical Procedures  Shu  Suanshu Shu  cheng
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