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林进忠 (台湾艺术大学 美术学院台北 板桥22058) 
中文关键词:里耶  秦简  书手
An Exploration to the Writers of Qin Bamboo Slips “Repayment of Debts” in Liye
Abstract:This article discusses more than 36 000 pieces of bamboo slips excavated from Liye, of which the calligraphy of a set of 12 wooden slips published is the article’s main content. Qin bamboo slips of “Repayment of Debts” record cases of the repayment of debts, which are submitted from Yangling County to Dongting County, then transferred to Qianling County. The persons handling the cases are registered in the documents; it is believed that those persons are the writers. As the bamboo slips provide us sufficient cases to compare the same written patterns and structures, we can find similarities and differences between them to get the truth.
keywords:Liye  Qin bamboo slips  Writers
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