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向桃初 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:湖南  炭河里文化  先秦史  奴隶社会
Discovery of Tanheli Culture and Rebuilding of Hunan's Regional History in the Pre-Qin Period
Abstract:Discovery of Tanheli culture represented by an ancient city at Tanheli in the Western Zhou dynasty fills in a gap of Hunan's history during the Western Zhou period. As solving the problems of properties of Shang and Zhou bronze wares unearthed from Hunan province and formation of local bronze culture, this paper falsifies the main viewpoint there is no slave society in hunan's history in the history field, which has a significant meaning to rebuild the framework of Hunan's regional history in the Pre-Qin period.
keywords:Hunan  Tanheli culture  Pre-Qin history  slave society
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