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邱建华 (中南大学 商学院 湖南 长沙410083) 
中文关键词:技术创新  有序度  协同度  全面协同模型
Research on the General Synergy Model of Technological Innovation System of Aluminium-industry Enterprise
Abstract:This article analysed the synergy status of every technological innovation sub-system in the course of technological innovation of aluminium-industry enterprise from qualitative and quantitative aspects based on synergetic theory and pointed out the model of order degree of the sub-system and the model of degree of the whole system’s general synergy. Then, the article applied the model of general synergy degree to measure the general synergy degree of technological innovation of specific aluminium-industry enterprise. The research can supply useful information for grasping the the whole developing trend of the technological innovation course of aluminium-industry enterprise and the whole system’s general synergy degree of technological innovation in order to make relevant policy to improve the performance of technological innovation.
keywords:technological innovation  order degree  degree of synergy  the whole system’s general synergy model
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