摘要点击次数: 1006
全文下载次数: 176
刁晏斌 (北京师范大学 文学院北京100875) 
中文关键词:新著国语文法  现代汉语史  语法
A New Grammar of the Chinese National Language and the History of Modern Chinese Language
Abstract:The significance and value of Li Jinxi’s A New Grammar of the Chinese National Language can be explored and studied from many aspects and angles. The history of modern Chinese language is one part of it. This book can help the study of the history of modern Chinese language as follows: to identify the generated time of some form or use; to understand their origin and use condition, to inspire related research idea. In addition, this book really reflects the actual use of language at that time. Therefore, it can be regard as the typical corpus of the history of modern Chinese language.
keywords:a new grammar of the Chinese national language  the history of modern Chinese language  grammar
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