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梁凯音 (对外经济贸易大学 思想政治理论教学科研部北京100029) 
中文关键词:后国际金融危机  国际关系  责任大国  国际话语权
Discuss on the International Relations and China’s Countermeasures during the Late Stage of Global Financial Crisis
Abstract:Since the recent years, diffusion effect of the U.S. financial crisis and its shock waves on the world economy, and with the Western Group’s tough stance to against the developing countries during the World Climate Conference in Copenhagen ("Copenhagen"), are together contributing to? new changes on the development of international relations. Facing to these changes, a positive strategy for countermeasures should be adopted by China, which is: in the international community, China must have more rights to international discourse for responding to a significant readjustment with international relations, and also China should actively participate in the international affairs to promote its international image as a responsible China, thereby achieving a substantial leap to become a real strong nation.
keywords:late the global financial crisis  international relations  world pattern  responsible china  right to international discourse
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