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李小明 (湖南大学 法学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:经营者集中  反垄断法  反垄断审查程序
Research on the Anti-trust Review Procedure of Concentration of Undertakings
Abstract:Antitrust review process of concentration of undertakings means to regulate the action of anti-trust review institution and undertakings. E.U. and U.S. have almost the same report procedure which stipulates a consultation mechanism before reporting and emphasize the transparent procedure. The reporting contents and time period are regulated particularly and explicitly, implies a consideration of cost and efficiency, but the regulation of US acts are more particulars. Both E.U. and U.S. protect the pleading of undertakings, but E.U.’s institutions are more authoritative and compulsory, and U.S. focus on the balance of burden between anti-trust review institution and undertakings. China should enlarge reporting scope and items, modifying hearing procedure and pleading of undertakings, shorten the time table which may be postponed, and reasonably regulate a suspending time period.
keywords:concentration of undertakings  anti-monopoly law  anti-trust review procedure
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