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黄晓凤,鲁志坚 (1.广东商学院 国民经济研究中心广东 广州 510320
2.湖南陆军预备役师 后勤部,湖南 长沙410016) 
中文关键词:贸易保护主义  碳关税  知识产权  汇率
Impact of New Changes in Trade Protectionism on China Exporters       and Measures to Cope with Such Changes
Abstract:As the competetion in the worldwide market becomes more and more fierce, protectionism in trade has taken on some new changes:emerging barrier of low carbon duty, sharp rise of barrier in intellectual property right, and the competing depreciation of currency of the home states,etc. All these changes have seriously impacted China's exporters:rise of export cost,drop of market share, deterioration of export environment. Therefore, Chinese government and exporters should take a proactive role in optimizing structure,developing low carbon economy,implementing IP development strategy and enhance international coordination of foreign exchange rate policy so as to detonate barriers.
keywords:protectionism in trade  low carbon duty  intellectual property right  foreign exchange rate
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