也谈周作人的“转向” ——从“谈鬼”说起
引用本文:石坚.也谈周作人的“转向” ——从“谈鬼”说起[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2010,(6):94-98
摘要点击次数: 793
全文下载次数: 168
石坚 (复旦大学 中文系上海200433) 
中文关键词:周作人  人情物理  转向
On “the Direction Turn” of Zhou Zuo ren——Beginning from His Articles on Ghost
Abstract:Zhou Zuo ren ever wrote a series of articles on ghost, because he believed only from the ways of the world such as the secular faith of the mass could we feel the real life of the Chinese. And the true meaning of what the researchers call “the Direction Turn”of Zhou Zuo ren beginning in 1920s is from making eight part essays to deep observation of the ways of the world. His devoted investigation into the real life behind the secular faith of the mass was one of the cases.
keywords:Zhou Zuo ren  the ways of the world  “the Direction Turn”
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