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吴震 (复旦大学 哲学学院上海200433) 
中文关键词:朱熹  敬论  自做主宰  自心自存  收敛身心
A Brief Discussion on Zhu Xi's Respect Theory
Abstract:Zhu Xi's respect theory as an important part of the whole philosophical thought is not only the succession, but also the comprehensive integration and exertion of Cheng Yi's respect theory. From the standpoint of his mind nature theory of“the mind is work place”,Zhu Xi was strongly against the premise of “mind has another nominal” about the work of mind to do or not to do, to be or not to be. Correspondingly, his respect work was not cause by moral soul directly, but controlled and adjusted of mind's consciousness and so on. According to a series of Zhu Xi's theories, he set force “The mind is ruled by respect”,“Surely mind accumulates by itself if respect oriented” and“respect can make convergence of physiology and psychology”. However, the theory of Zhu Xi's respect, which mainly concerns with how to solve the problem blocking the mind of men, is just a theoretic formulation of Confucianism work.
keywords:Zhu Xi  respect  ruled by itself  accumulate by itself  convergence of physiology and psychology
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