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严佐之 (华东师范大学 古籍研究所,上海200241) 
中文关键词:朱熹  石  中庸辑略  中庸集解  思想史
Zhu Xi's Standard in Expurgation, Abridgment and his Hermeneutic Intention
Abstract:Selective Commentaries to the Doctrine of the Mean was an abridged work compiled by Zhu Xi on the basis of Shi Dun's Collective Commentaries to the Doctrine of the Mean. The original commentaries to the Doctrine of the Mean from the Ten Masters' preserved in Shi's work were either expurgated or abridged by Zhu as many as 134 (nearly 30%) in his own work. The resulted difference between the two Commentaries is of course not the usual difference between two editions but should be interpreted in light of Zhu Xi's deliberate action. By employing the methodology of evidential and documental statistics research, also through both the comprehensive survey and case study, this paper discloses Zhu's standard in expurgation and abridgment as well as his hermeneutic intention, both of which are regarded as a link in the evolvement of Zhu's academic thought.
keywords:Zhu Xi  Shi Dun  Selective Commentaries to the Doctrine of the Mean  Collective Commentaries to the Doctrine of the Mean  ideological history
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