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全文下载次数: 104
周玉波,黄平意 ( 1.湖南师范大学 出版社,湖南 长沙4100812.湖南师范大学 商学院湖南 长沙410081) 
中文关键词:博弈论  品牌;伦理;制度化
The Institutionalization of Brand Ethics Based on Game Theory
Abstract:Brand ethics are related to faith, justice, responsibility and values. Brand association in result of a brand's ethical evaluation produces impact on consumers' purchasing decisions. Based on the game analysis among enterprises, consumers and the government, this article probes the practicability of the brand ethical institutionalization and explores the appropriate responses. The responses include taking responsibility resulting from non moral decision making, improving the mechanism of supervision, discipline and implementation, establishing “appropriate” incentive and communication mechanism, adapting system supply to system needs, perfecting enterprise brand goal and evaluation mechanism and maintaining social moral standards of a brand through the compulsory force of a system.
keywords:game theory  brand  ethics  institutionalization
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