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欧阳军喜 (清华大学 马克思主义学院北京100084) 
中文关键词:学习运动  马克思主义  毛泽东  中国化
The Influence of the Study Movement on the Process of the Sinicization of Marxism in the Yanan Period
Abstract:The study movement in the period of Yanan, which exerted a tremendous influence on the process of the sinicization of Marxism, was a theoretical education movement of Marxism within the party as well as a integration movement of Marxism and China's practice. On one hand, the study movement established the ideological principle of sinicization of Marxism within the party. On the other hand, it produced many theoretical achievements for the sinicization of Marxism which promoted the process of the sinicization of Marxism greatly and laid a solid foundation for the first leap of the sinicization of Marxism.
keywords:the study movement  Marxism  Mao Zedong  sinicization
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