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肖灿 (1.湖南大学 建筑学院,湖南 长沙410082
2.湖南大学 岳麓书院,湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:秏程  粟为米  《数》  秦简
Hao Cheng and Su Wei Mi,two Problems in the Unearthed Book Shu
Abstract:This article gives detailed descriptions of two problems in the Mathematical text, Shu (数, Numbers and Reckoning) written on the Bamboo Strips owned by the Yuelu Academy. One problem is “Hao Cheng”(norm for wastage) and the other is “Su Wei Mi”(the exchange of millet and husked millet). The two problems provide information on millet grain processing, storing and other production activities and the concerning regulations. They also validate the opinion that the measurement unit Shi〓had its particularity in Early China.
keywords:“Hao Cheng”(norm for wastage), “Su Wei Mi”(the exchange of millet and husked millet ), the unearthed book Shu (numbers and reckoning), Bamboo Strips of Qin Dynasty owned by Yuelu Academy
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