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程卓蕾,胡振华,刘文斌 (1.中南大学 商学院湖南 长沙4100832. 湖南大学 工商管理学院湖南 长沙4100823. 中英管理联合研究中心英国肯特大学商学院肯特郡英国 CT27PE) 
中文关键词:利益相关者理论  绩效管理  利益平衡  KPI
Stakeholder Theory Based Performance Management in Universities
Abstract:The idea of balancing the stakeholders’ interests in performance management is based on the fact that universities as public institutions are weak in the enforcement capability of their developmental strategies, which prevents performance management being effectively carried out. This article examines the stakeholder theory from both the macro and the micro perspectives, puts forward the notion of balancing the key stakeholders’ interests in performance management, and designs the performance management system in a department of a university.
keywords:stakeholder theory  performance management  interests balance  KPI
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