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陈谷嘉 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:敬老  爱老  孝文化
Filial Piety And Chinese Traditional Virtue Of Respect For The Aged And Love them A Study On The Soft——wer Of Confucian Piety Culture
Abstract:“Filial piety” was originated from the primitive society, and "filial piety" shoot had occurred in the ancient times. Confucius brought “filial piety” into his theory system of “benevolence” in which he specified the ethical value of “filial piety”.“Filial piety” contains ideas of fulfilling filial duties to parents and showing respect to the elders. Mencius later studied “filial piety” further and broke through its consanguinity relation limits by pointing out that “filial piety” included showing filial piety to the non consanguineous senior citizens as well as their consanguineous relatives, which endowed the “filial piety” with the universal significance and thus shaped the ideology of Confucian piety culture. “Filial piety” has been the most basic moral principle and norm for thousands of years since Chinese ancient times. The filial piety culture has impacted Chinese nation on virtue formation of respect for the respect and love the aged.
keywords:respect the aged  love the aged  Piety Culture
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