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高晓莹,杨明刚 (1.北京交通大学 人文社会科学学院北京100044
2.中国人民大学 民商事法律科学研究中心,北京100872 ) 
中文关键词:保证期间  除斥期间  诉讼时效
On Guarantee Period
Abstract:There is biggish controversy in which the nature of guarantee period is determined as scheduled period during judicial interpretation and practice. There are also logic contradiction and value judgment confusions in legal application of it. Provided that the nature of guarantee period is determined as the prescriptive period, which has theoretical support and shall realize the interest balance among creditors, debtors and guarantors. Therefore, guarantee period shall be reconstructed according to the relevant rules on the prescriptive period.
keywords:guarantee period  scheduled period  the prescriptive period
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