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陈丽华 (广东商学院 法学院广东 广州510320) 
中文关键词:农村生态环境  村民自治环保机构  法律保障
On Legal Guarantee With the Organizations of Villager Self government’s Protecting Environment
Abstract:Recently rural ecological environment is getting bad, and the result has related to that there isn’t any organization to govern and supervise the environment. Organizations of villager self government in good condition could protect rural environment efficiently, so our law should give them authorize to be a kind organization of environment protection in countryside. So Then our Environment Law need to allow that the whole peasants in the villager to entrust their Organizations of villager self government with govern the environment of their villager, simultaneously to regulate rights of the Organizations of villager self-government in protecting environment.
keywords:bural ecological environment  environment protection organization of villager self government  legal guarantee
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