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何超,许康 (1.湖南大学 工商管理学院,湖南 长沙4100822.江西萍乡高等专科学校江西 萍乡337000) 
中文摘要:是我国最早的数量经济学博士(1952年,芝加哥大学经济学院),学界对其介绍却并不多。本文根据他的相关论著、史料和档案,并与近几年论述中国经济学史和管理学史的大量文献进行比较,发现他早在1944年就用数理经济学方法,对区位(区域)经济奠基者韦伯(Alfred Weber)的理论做了部分修正。他在芝加哥大学经济学院读博期间写的毕业论文得到了两位获诺贝尔经济学奖大师的指导,经过严谨的分析与论证,对萨缪尔森的理论提出了自己独特的见解。1953年,他还主持国际计量经济学会会长雅各布·马尔沙克委托的研究项目。回国后即与钱学森、许国志、刘源张等为中国运筹学的引进和发展作出了最早的贡献。
中文关键词:周华章  数量经济学  先驱者
A Pioneer of Quantitative Economics in China,Zhou Hua-zhang
Abstract:According to the works, historical materials and archives of Zhou Hua zhang (1917-1968), and compare with the large number of literature on history of Economics and Management Science in recent years of China, this paper discovered that as early as 1944 Zhou Hua zhang already used mathematical economics method and present two amendments of the Industrial Location Theory, which was founded by Alfred Weber. His doctoral dissertation, supervised by two Nobel Laureates in Economics, refuted P. Samuelson’s views after rigorous analysis and verification. In 1953, he presided over a research project on commission of Jacob Marschak who is the director of the International Measurement Institute. After he returned to China from America, Zhou Hua zhang, Qian Xue sen, Xu Guo zhi and Liu Yuan zhang, made the initial contribution on introduction and development of Operational Research in China.
keywords:Zhou Hua zhang  Quantitative Economics  Pioneer
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