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何蔓莉,许春晓,许杰兰,田媛 (1.湖南师范大学 旅游学院湖南 长沙410081
2.北京大学 深圳研究生院 城市规划与设计学院,广东 深圳518055
3.湖南艺术职业学院,湖南 长沙410081) 
中文关键词:IPA方法  红色旅游精品  韶山红色旅游区
A Research on Realizing the Superiority of Shaoshan Red Tourism Region Based on IPA Analysis
Abstract:Shaoshan is a classic red tourism region , which has made obvious achivements , studying on realizing the superiority of Shaoshan red tourism region have profound significants, the root is to promote the tourists' satisfaction. By generalizing the related research achievements, we extracts 28 sets of satisfaction evaluation statements, using questionnaire methods to obtain basic data, then based on the methods of IPA analysis ,we survey the importance and satisfaction of tourists in the 28 sets of statements of Shaosha red tourism region , eventually four kinds of elements were concluded: maintain area、overshoot area、low priority area and key improvement area, different management strategies were applied to ensure the smooth realization of Shaoshan red tourism region.
keywords:IPA  Red tourism of superiority  Shaoshan red rourism region
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